0.4.1 has been released. New users be sure to pull out your old TA cds (or torrent them because you got scratches), TA3D needs an OTA (original total annihilation) install.
TA3D 0.4.1 Released

0.4.1 has been released. New users be sure to pull out your old TA cds (or torrent them because you got scratches), TA3D needs an OTA (original total annihilation) install.
The people at the TA3D project have moved from their old sourceforge hosting, and are now hosted on this server at http://ta3d.darkstars.co.uk . They’ve also released 0.4.1 RC1, complete with the new AI code and bugfixes. You can see more over at their website or in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy9Alw8gI_M