Spring Web Development

The Spring Engine Website

History has a habit of repeating itself. A long time ago, I spent a good deal of energy trying to improve the Spring Engine website. I built a Developer site running Joomla for the engine developers, produced stylesheet upgrades, built a brand new website based on Dokuwiki, and then on WordPress, and a new design […]

Blog Glest Spring

New Server Announced

After almost 2 years of drinking Espresso, Licho has grown tired. The Espresso machine, an upgrade to the stifling Internet Fridge server of the Fnordia years, was hoped to be a return to the good old days when the Spring Engine website was hosted on an early Smart TV that played re-runs of Ugly Betty.


Lichos new fridge

Unsatisfied with hosting their site on fnordias new TV, the spring engine has found a new home to host their website and lobby server.

Blog Spring

Fnordias new TV

For a few hours now, the spring website has been down. Attempts to connect are met with network timeout errors. Users can join a temporary lobby server at running under aegis’ new uberserver. You can find smoths FGJL forums on the links page.