AFLobby Glest lobby development Spring

AFLobby Progress Report

With the recent release of, I’d like to address the immediate future and what i want to do in the next month or two.

AFLobby Spring

AFLobby beta

Rather than go the full hog and do beta 4 and release after xmas, I thought I’d better fix what was wrong here and now and push it out.

AFLobby lobby development Spring

AFLobby Beta 3.9.7

This is a bug fix stability patch, however its highly reccomended.

AFLobby lobby development

AFLobby beta 3.9.6

Here is a new AFLobby release! My treks into linux land with ubuntu 7.04, have yielded great improvements in AFLobbies overall stability and usability. Lots of new things have been added fixed and tweaked since beta 3.5, and this is by far one of the best AFLobby releases by far.

AFLobby AI NTai

How do I get NTai or AFLobby?

I keep getting asked “where do I download the latest xyz?”


AFLobby Progress Report

With the recent suicide of my Vista install and the great exodus to ubuntu, I’ve finally gotten some AFLobby work done. The shift from MS Vista aero to Ubuntu gnome has thrown up a mass of minor UI layout errors I’ve never noticed before, so I’ve been fixing.